Remembrance Day / Anti-Bullying Week

Front cover of the book 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' shown on a desk alongside some animal figurines and puppets.

Little Birds learnt about the importance of Remembrance Day. We made poppies from red paper circles and pipe cleaners to add to the field made of tissue paper. We observed a time of reflection and quiet whilst watching a short video to gain more understanding about this special event.

A young boy is seen sat at his desk in a classroom, decorating a toilet roll tube with some coloured paper and craft materials.
Little Birds learning about the importance of Remembrance Day. They made poppies from red paper circles and pipe cleaners to add to the field made of tissue paper.
Little Birds learning about the importance of Remembrance Day. They made poppies from red paper circles and pipe cleaners to add to the field made of tissue paper.
Little Birds learning about the importance of Remembrance Day. They made poppies from red paper circles and pipe cleaners to add to the field made of tissue paper.
Little Birds learning about the importance of Remembrance Day. They made poppies from red paper circles and pipe cleaners to add to the field made of tissue paper.
Little Birds learning about the importance of Remembrance Day. They made poppies from red paper circles and pipe cleaners to add to the field made of tissue paper.

Anti-Bullying Week

We wore odd socks to represent that we are each unique.

Two girls show off the odd socks they have worn to the camera in support of Anti-Bullying Week.
A photo showing several pairs of odd socks that the children have brought in for Anti-Bullying Week.

Little Birds completed various activities including matching socks on a washing line, filling socks with different amounts of cereal and designing our own sock.

A drawing by a DPA pupil of a pair of odd coloured socks. One blue and one green to represent Anti-Bullying Week.

Little Birds listened to the stories ‘Simon’s Socks’ and ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ during class time. We learnt about the characters, different feelings and being kind to each other. Some of us made our own Billy goat stick puppets.

Front cover of the storybook 'Simon Sock' by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet.